Following a series of devastating wildfires, the leadership of The California Fire Prevention Organization determined an educational book featuring the work of fire photographers would be a valuable method of sharing life-saving information with the public. The first volume is here – featuring wildfires in Southern California. Edited by David Barrett, the book is unlike anything else out there, combining dramatic fire imagery and video with educational and prevention materials.
Production crew poses during a location shoot. From left to right: Safe Community Project Director William Whitney, two-time Academy Award winning producer Terry Sanders, Safe Community Project Executive Director David Barrett, California Fire Prevention Executive MH Cameron Barrett, and sound recordist Steven Reyes.
About the Book
California Burns, Volume One
Digital Edition ISBN: 978-1-7337894-0-0
Produced in Collaboration with The Safe Community Project
About the Organization
California Fire Prevention Organization
A California nonprofit, public benefit organization
EIN: 47-3376066
Northern California Office
3558 Round Barn Boulevard, Suite 200
Santa Rosa, CA 95403